Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Bru Bruthas Episode 15: First of the December, time to think chocolate and darkeness.
The BruBruthas today we are taking a dive into some fantastic drak beers and a sour that fits the kick off to winter. We have beers from Deschutes, Bemidji, castle danger, half pints and founders. We have a special beer from our friends at 56 Brewing in collaboration with the Black Brewers Podcast in Minneapolis.
Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit www.gfbestsource.com For easy access to past Bru Bruthas episodes, visit https://brubruthas.podbean.com/
#gfbs #gfbestsource #beertalk #brewsandviews #craftbeerchat #hoppyhour #beerloversunite #sudssquad #tastethetap #beergeeksunite #brewingpassion #pintsandpods #brubruthas #certifiedloversofbeer #drinklikeakraken #beerisculture @brubruthas