Friday Aug 25, 2023

Bru Bruthas Episode 8: Oktoberfestivus For the Rest of Us

The BruBruthas kick off the fall brewing season by covering the initial wave of Oktoberfest beers, along with breaking down light, malty, and-toasty beers. For the latest on the BruBruthas follow them on Instagram @brubruthas


Find out more about the brews covered in this episode by checking out their Fabebook pages-  @sierranevadabeer @fargobrewing @drekkerbrewing @thebrewingprojekt @remedybrewco @martobrewing @Kinkaider @KrosStrainBeer

Show is recorded at Grand Forks Best Source. For studio information, visit For easy access to past Bru Bruthas episodes, visit

#gfbs #gfbestsource #beertalk #brewsandviews #craftbeerchat #hoppyhour #beerloversunite #sudssquad #tastethetap #beergeeksunite #brewingpassion #pintsandpods #brubruthas #certifiedloversofbeer #drinklikeakraken #beerisculture @brubruth

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